The driver’s profession has its specific health consequences. Pain in the back is typical for most people who spend a lot of time driving, especially drivers who are accustomed to long distances and long trips. Osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias are just the beginning of the list of possible diseases.
Pain in the back muscles and discomfort in the spinal column are consequences of the incorrect posture in the driver’s seating. Doctors diagnose “pinched nerve” but the nerve endings can not actually hurt, and the muscles around can. The most popular treatment option is pain relief, but this approach only temporarily relieves irritation sense. To prevent the recurrence of pain, you not enough to calm it. To avoid a lack of muscle lubrication, spasms, and severe pain, it is necessary to engage in simple gymnastics, do exercises aimed at warming up, stretching, and relaxing the back muscles. If you bring your health to a critical state, the probability of never recovering and even getting a disability and losing your job is very high. The risk of developing prostatitis is also one of the occupational threats to the health of drivers.
In addition to regular physical activity, the driver’s pose is crucial. Adjusting the seat to a comfortable fit and supporting the driver’s back seat elements are the necessary features. The seating should be comfortable and adapt to the height, weight, and position of the driver’s torso. The driver seats presented on our website meet these requirements. They are the best choice for professional drivers. Truck drivers, agricultural machinery drivers, and bus drivers contact us daily for advice on selecting the perfect seat. We will help you to choose the best model for the required functionality and affordable cost.
The video shows the model of the driver’s seat P1102 SUPREME